8 top tips on how to build customer loyalty

> 8 top tips on how to build customer loyalty


8 easy tips on how to effectively build customer loyalty

Winning new clients is fundamental for your beauty salon's well-being. Firstly, a business needs firm roots in order to establish a strong base from which it can grow and develop. This sustainable growth derives from a good customer loyalty strategy, that's to say, a process which involves making sure you truly look after your regular clients. Below we have provided you with 8 easy tips on how to effectively build customer loyalty.

Innovate your products and services

Nowadays, what your clients are looking to find at your clinic are accessibility and attractive products and services. It is important to always offer them something new, so you should always keep up to date with the latest treatments and trends to make sure your clinic stays on the front line.

Pamper your clients

In one of our previous posts, we wrote about the importance of good humor during treatment sessions. In all aspects of life, being optimistic and cheerful will work to your advantage, so be sure to put it into action at your clinic. Do your clients book second appointments at your clinic? If the answer is no, you are doing something wrong! On the other hand, if your clients do book second appointments at your clinic, you are doing things the right way, so keep it up!

Good humor brings positivity into our lives, both at home and work, and this will reflect on your clients' opinions of your clinic.

Offer personalized service

You need to really get to know your clients. This means listening to them intently, understanding them, tending to their needs and reaching their ever-changing expectations. Furthermore, You'll need to encourage everyone on your team to do the same and motivate them enough to want to achieve this. Being close to your clients and giving them personalized attention is what will always make your clients return to your clinic.

Search for any clients who have made complaints or who have stopped coming to your clinic and tend to them in order to avoid any of these types of re-occurrences in the future.

You need to give your clients what they want. Get to know them, and, above all, make sure you know what they spend their money on. This is the only way you will truly grasp your customers' attention. Consumers are naturally unfaithful, so you will need to provide them with relevant services in order to get them to notice your clinic and choose your it over the rest.

Search, buy and share

A trend that has been repeated over the years. Consumers are searching more than ever, either for prices, to get to know new products and services, or for technical specifications. Then consumers buy, and after that they share. This is where social networks come in, so it's important to pay attention to Facebook, Twitter or Instagram in order to boost comments and chats about your beauty salon.


Beauty salons which are full of furniture and products have fallen behind. Now consumers are looking for a simple concept; more space and fewer products on show.

Send your clients offers and promotions!

You can lose your customers' loyalty more easily than you think, so don't ever stop rewarding your regular clients. With the marketing and management tools that FLOWww offers, you can directly reach the hearts of your clients, build customer loyalty and increase sales. To find out more on how to increase sales at your clinic, click on this link.

  • Use our points program so that every time your clients visit your clinic they are granted points which they can accumulate and later exchange for other products and services
  • Configure your app so that your clients can receive your notifications, promotions, updates, birthday congratulations e.t.c..
  • Show interest in your clients and encourage them to participate in the growth of your beauty salon: Provide them with suggestion forms, chat to them when they visit your beauty salon or ask them for their opinions via email.
  • Offer your loyal customers some perks when they purchase at your clinic. They will love receiving a small gift or discount voucher and this will encourage them to return to your clinic.
  • Send them personalized promotions or special discounts.
  • Offer your regular customers points or discounts when they refer friends to your clinic (The Refer a Friend Program). Your FLOWww software will automatically manage this for you. You won't have to worry about anything.

Organize an open day at your clinic.

Keep one day aside when your clinic is open to the public. Invent special prices for this day, or do live demonstrations and invite the people who assist to have a drink and chat while you get to know them.

Make videos of your treatments

This is the best way for your users to become familiar with what types of treatments you provide at your clinic, how they are undergone and what results they have. Make a few videos and share them on social networks.

We hope you have found this advice helpful for the day to day running of your beauty salon or clinic. Remember that loyal customers usually recommend products and services to people they know. This is one of the main sources of your 'word of mouth' marketing.

If you have any more advice on how to build customer loyalty with clients, please feel free to share it with us; it would be an advantage for everyone.

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